We have over 20 years experience in training everything from basic safety and cleaning to more advance instruction on getting your concealed carry initial license and re-certification. We offer a wide variety of training and service. Our team is constantly expanding their skill set to bring you the best training and knowledge in the firearms world. Now let’s meet the team

Jeremy was born in Central Illinois and has been around firearms his entire life. He served as a Military Police Officer in the US Army from 2000 to 2008. He relocated to Lincoln in 2005 after serving two years in Iraq. During his time in Iraq, his unit was responsible for teaching the future Iraqi Police Department. It was then that he discovered his love for teaching. After he returned to the states, he spent time working security and from there started teaching future security guards.
Licensed Illinois Conceal Carry Instructor, NRA Basic Pistol Instructor, NRA Muzzle Loading Instructor, NRA Range Safety Officer, Certified Firearms Instructor – US Army, Certified Firearms Instructor –United Nations, Certified Firearms Instructor- Iraqi Interior Ministry, Hunter Safety Instructor, Gunsmith, Certified Illinos CCW Instructor, Glock Certified Armor.

Greg Henrichsmeyer is a Lincoln Native from birth. As a Navy See-bee he has been training others since 1980. IT started with the Boy Scouts of America. He is a current NRA instructor in Basic Pistol, Basic Rifle, Basic Shotgun, Mattalic cartridge and Shot Shell Reloading, as well as a Range Safety Officer. Illinois Hunter Safety instructor, Illinois CCW Instructor. He is also a Glock Certified Armor.

Joe Leuchtenberg has been an NRA Certified Instructor since 1996 and is also an NRA Training Counselor. He also volunteers as an Illinois Department of Natural Resources Hunter Safety Instructor and is certified to teach the Illinois Concealed Carry class. In his many years of experience, he has taught well over 3,000 people in three states, ranging from ages 7 to 80. Joe has instructed people from all different walks of life – everything from young children to experienced police officers.
Joe has been involved in competitive shooting for many years. He shot Trap Competitions statewide and has achieved the level of an “AA” shooter, shooting against many professional shooters. In 1996 he was on the team that won a Gold Medal at the Camp Perry National Bullseye Competition.
Joe has also achieved multiple AGI Gunsmithing Certificates.
In addition to his years of experience and dedication to teaching and enjoying the shooting sports, Joe also carries the following NRA Certifications to teach:
NRA Training Counselor – NRA Certified Instructor – Chief Range Safety Officer – Home Firearm Safety – Personal Protection in the Home – Basic Pistol – Basic Rifle – Basic Shotgun – Muzzleloading Pistol – Muzzleloading Rifle – Muzzleloading Shotgun – Shotgun Shell Reloading – Metallic Cartridge Reloading – Refuse To Be A Victim

Janice Leuchtenberg has been an NRA Certified Instructor since 1996 and is also an NRA Training Counselor. She also volunteers as an Illinois Department of Natural Resources Hunter Safety Instructor and is certified to teach the Illinois Concealed Carry class. In her many years of experience, she has taught well over 3,000 people in three states, ranging from ages 7 to 80. Janice has instructed people from all different walks of life – everything from young children to experienced police officers.
Janice has been involved in competitive shooting since the mid 90’s. In 1996, she was on the all-woman team that won 3rd place in the nation at the Camp Perry National Bullseye Competition. She also took home the 1st Place Gold Medal in 1997 at the Illinois Prairie State Games – Pistol Competition. She has competed in IDPA matches and several leagues. She has earned several awards, trophies and medals from her wins.
Janice says her most rewarding experiences are from teaching people who have never shot a gun before. She says, “When they have that moment and realize that they can handle a gun competently and enjoy shooting, realizing that nothing can stop them, it shows in their eyes.”
In addition to her years of experience and dedication to teaching and enjoying the shooting sports, Janice also carries the following NRA Certifications to teach:
NRA Training Counselor – NRA Certified Instructor – Chief Range Safety Officer – Home Firearm Safety – Personal Protection in the Home – Basic Pistol – Basic Rifle – Basic Shotgun – Muzzleloading Pistol – Muzzleloading Rifle – Muzzleloading Shotgun – Shotgun Shell Reloading – Metallic Cartridge Reloading – Refuse To Be A Victim